mercoledì 24 settembre 2014


Questa è una foto relativa ad un dibattito sulla violenza contro la donna e sulle sue possibili strategie di difesa. 

In tale incontro intervenni in qualità di psicologa e psicoterapeuta.
Ma purtroppo, nonostante le nostre migliori intenzioni, gli abusi verso persone più deboli (sia donne, sia uomini o bambini), saranno sempre con noi finché i diritti saranno solo formali e finché chiunque abbia poteri economici, mediatici, ecc.., può permettersi di calpestare tranquillamente i diritti di persone che non hanno lo stesso potere, violentarli fisicamente o psicologicamente, diffamarli,  manipolare gli eventi e la storia per i propri sporchi  interessi.
Questa violenza può essere esercitata anche da parte di donne verso altre donne, come di donne verso uomini, se esiste una disparità di potere soprattutto economico e di status.
Molti anni fa chiamai "liquefazioni" tutti quei comportamenti che mirano a devastare la personalità e l'identità degli altri.
Come la mafia scioglie i propri nemici nell'acido, così viene disciolta la personalità e l'identità di persone a cui si vuole togliere credibilità e dignità per manipolarli e sottometterli in modo più agevole. 

E con l'avvento di Internet, dove la difesa dei soggetti più deboli, per età, censo e status sociale, è quasi inesistente, la situazione è ancora più drammatica.

La logica della rete è la logica del marketing e del profitto e chi ha più potere economico, guida l'apparente caos informativo  COSTRUENDO O ADDIRITTURA REINVENTANDO LA REALTA' degli  eventi  e delle persone a suo uso e consumo. Questo è inevitabilmente abuso di potere spesso esercitato, nel loro piccolo, anche da 'piccoli uomini' (o donne) che  sentono un sadico brivido di potenza nel sopraffare gli altri, magari attraverso l' anonimato o celati nell' ombra.

Microfisiche del potere e psicopatologie della vita quotidiana!!......  
Per tutta la mia vita ho lottato per i diritti di chi non ha diritti o i cui diritti vengono violati ed i miei sono stati violati più  volte.

Ciò mi ha resa particolarmente sensibile.

E' patetico e immensamente triste vedere quanta gente si dà da fare in queste violazioni, quanta energia positiva  viene insanamente sprecata, quanta 'peste psichica' viene 'viralmente' trasmessa....  
Perché c'è anche chi fa spettacolo con la storia dei diritti, li indossa come trucco di scena, per potere esercitare meglio i propri abusi.  Questi sono i soggetti più pericolosi,  perché sempre più la società è malata di spettacolo.  

Lo 'spettacolare diffuso' anzi 'lo spettacolare integrato' di cui parlava Guy Debord si è sempre più esteso.

Lo spettacolo è la principale produzione di questa società.

LO SPETTACOLO E'  "IL CUORE DELL'IRREALISMO" DI QUESTA SOCIETA’ DI VOYEUR e ne è anche il tragico lento tramonto.  

Filmografie e serialità hollywoodiane.

 Questo era ed è il tema del mio "Teatro Volante dell'Impossibile - Non Teatro A-v-venire….Continua

* ENG.- This is a photo concerning a debate on violence against women and on our  possible defense strategies. In this meeting I was invited as a psychologist and psychotherapist. 

But unfortunately, despite our best intentions, abuse towards vulnerable people (either women, men or children), will always be with us until the Rights will be only formal and until anyone with economic and media powers, etc., can afford to trample quietly the rights of people who do not have the same power.., rape them physically or psychologically, defame, manipulate events and history for their dirty interests….’ 
To be continued.

© Daniela Ripetti Pacchini 

mercoledì 20 agosto 2014


Il lavoro di Teti (The work of Teti) by Gianni Bertini

      In the Metaxy of Poetry:

     Poems from the collection

            APACHE TEAR  
               Translated by
       Daniela Ripetti - Pacchini



                                         Double Trance
                                 (The return of Cathy) 

                                             It’s getting bright
                                                 and slowly
                                           when your five senses sleep
                                           and the body has lost its contacts..
                                                 its weights...
                                               you will feel me
                                                like shining air
                                              moon rock whispering
                                              in your dulled ears
                                                 the Mysteries
                                              will come from all the lands
                                              as the ground disappears
                                               from under your feet..
                                               they will touch you
                                               with infinite touch
                                              on your thumbs asleep..
                                              to show you beyond lands..
                                                my senses...your senses


                                    Metaphysical Moors

                               No longer a land..
                                     nor a dwelling place..
                                     if not the green..
                                     the rock..
                                     or the desert centre
                                     the moor..of rose heather.
                                     I do not know
                                     when I too left a homeland
                                     when I found the s-word..
                                     We were made errant
                                     like clouds and stars..
                                     wandering Heathcliffs
                                     exiled..from exile.. 

                                While there is the Infinite

                           While there is the Infinite
                                    there is a way...
                                 and having a mere drop of it in the hands
                                 there shines in it the vast unknown face
                                 of many doors..heavens..and finitudes...
                                 This is the grace granted to us
                                 though a grace a little frowning
                                 and tired..though in a single breath
                                                 it fades....
                                 While there is the infinite
                                 there is a door... and the Desire stays..
                                              on the threshold...  

* These poems have been published in "Quinta Generazione"
   N.4 - 1992 . Ed. Forum/Quinta Generazione.
* Links to my three YouTube videos based on these three poems.
   The videos have subtitles in both English and Italian. 

© Daniela Ripetti Pacchini                                     


sabato 5 luglio 2014


    In the Metaxy of Poetry:

    Poems from the collection

            APACHE TEAR 


               Translated by

      Daniela Ripetti-Pacchini








                                              APACHE TEAR*
                                              Black and shiny
                                              and secret
                                              and far away a little
                                              and soft in appearance
                                              like black living flesh..
                                              like the bottom of an abyss
                                              slippery and round world
                                              drop or stele
                                              where the dream
                                              penetrated so that
                                              anyone who touched it
                                              would feel it
                                              dense and fine
                                              like sand like a guide
                                              of the trip to another
                                              and from dream into place in
                                                        slowly there returns
                                               that need
                                                       to return
                                                      to the world.

   *Link video
                                   Picacho Peak                              

                                         An arena
                                       of radiance
                                       or all expanded
                                       like abstract asphalt
                                       and all desert
                                       or all radiance
                                       of faded asphalt..
                                       All faded  
                                       in a silent land
                                       tawny  moon or deep
                                       needle’s eye..which I traverse
                                       far and wide…
                                       Valley and moon or dead
                                       moon in the valley in
                                       death alive there is now
                                       like a cut on my breast
                                       and the Big Picacho there is
                                       a Name on the rock..
                                       red rock of ambush..
                                       on the side of the dune...
                                       on the sand of the great cry
                                       dry and torrid
                                       and salty to my smell
                                       of palate…I touch all and
           I cut all,
                                           as I climb…



                                  On moving towards..
                        (Meditation : Andante…at walking tempo..) 

                                   On moving towards
                                the centre  of my lightness
                            when only the colour of the sky
                                     marks the mutations
                                 of my inner being..
                              and the shining..ascensions
                                       on the black pale ocean..
                                 impale and burn
                             in sparkling flashes of  Black…

                              Thus I feel
                                in the changing tingles
                                        and blocks of my body..
                                 between sky and ocean
                          in a light rippling of the sheet..
                                     (in a light vibration of the string..)

         "Between Sky and Ocean" (Notes & Comments)
      *From Prof. Romano Luperini’s Preface to the collection of poems “Apache Tear”:
      “Almost all the pages of this collection by Daniela Ripetti, are crossed by the tension towards a fusion - also via alchemy- with the universe and by a tendency to  throw into a single crucible, writing, physicality of nature, sensibility of the self and of things...And all this through talismans, encounters with ancient legends and ancestral experiences…There one feels, strongly, a cultural background related to the theme of desire and corporality, which was typical of the seventies…
       The author of these verses seems to be attracted to a dizzy vanishing point (a sort of zero point) where her senses can be reborn in an identification with ‘panic correspondances’ and of which the writing itself should be an immediate event : ‘Thus I feel/ in the changing tingles and blocks of my body../ between sky and ocean/ in a light rippling of the sheet (or : 'in a light vibration of the string…')"
     *Apache Tear is a translucent black stone found in Arizone and in other parts of U.S.A. In its peculiar dark and light material hides a sad story and/or legend concerning the Pinal Apaches.
       Many Pinal Apache warriors were killed in an ambush of the overwhelming forces of the military regulars: the rest of the tribe rather than die at the hand of the white man, chose death by leaping over the edge of the Big Peak. The Apache women were so desolated and wept so long for their dead that the 'Great Father', moved to pity, embedded their tears into black stones translucent because containing their crying.
      It is said that the owner of an Apache Tear will never have to cry again having the opportunity to dispel sorrow in a vicarious way. The Apache Tear Drop is also known as a meditation stone enclosing light and darkness.
      The stone you see in my video-poem “Apache Tear in Rock Prelude”, was given to me by one of my teachers of hypnotherapy Dr. Jeffrey K. Zeig founder & director of the Milton Erickson Foundation. See my post “Milton Erickson & Wilhelm Reich - l’Arte della Psicoterapia :
       *"On moving towards..."
       My poems are always on the move and in transmutation, always changing...Because in life, even the rest, is just a pause between two movements...
       As I wrote in 1969 in my “Manifesto D.R.P." “Chi si ferma s’illude..."(One who stops, deceives him/herself..) (Nuovi Argomenti 47/48 Sett.-Dic.1975).

venerdì 25 aprile 2014


Daniela Ripetti-Pacchini is an Italian poet, writer, psychologist, and psychotherapist.
She was born in Pisa and from the end of Sixties to 1987 she has lived mainly in Rome.
Her poems have appeared in Italian literary reviews, journals, anthologies and books such as "Nuovi Argomenti", "Guida Poetica Italiana", "ClanDestino", "Quinta Generazione", Poeti Italiani al 2° Festival Internazionale dei Poeti, Letteratura degli Anni Ottanta. Scrittori nelle Scuole, La poesia nel Lazio and in Il Romanzo di Castelporziano, etc.
In 1982-83, Vallerini publisher published a miscellany of her verse entitled Dei Trapassati Intendimenti with a preface by Alberto Moravia. This book includes poems read and performed by Daniela Ripetti, in three International Festivals of the Poets and in three Concerts of Poetry, during the Seventies and in 1981. 
In 1985, the International Journal of Contemporary Writings "The Literary Review" (USA) and the cultural Mexican review "Altiplano", translated and published some of her poems.
In 1992, Editrice Forum/ Quinta Generazione, published a new collection of her verses called
Marcia della prudenza 1981.
In 2019 a new book of her Una giovinezza rubata-Memorie di Guerra Fredda, was published by Books & Company and in 2021 EdiPsy has published a new vast miscellany of her poems, in Italian and in English, entitled La Poesia e il suo Doppio (The Poetry and its Double).
A new collection of her poems  Poesia-Phoenix has been published on December 2022 by Transeuropa publisher. 
A freelance journalist, Daniela Ripetti wrote for various Italian magazines and newspapers. 
In the past she appeared as an actress, especially stage actress, in Carmelo Bene's Romeo & Juliet and as an author, actress and director, in several theatre events. (Beat 72, Tenda-poesia, Theatre San Ferdinando of Naples, etc.). Members of the Living Theatre often took part in the performances staged by her 'Theatre of the Impossible'.
As a psychologist and psychotherapist her interest has centered on the phenomenology of consciousness in its many transformations (altered and/or alternative states of consciousness, peak experiences, hypnosis etc.), mass psychology, psychopolitics and the various self-regulation techniques to access, facilitate and regulate psychobiological processes and transitions.
She has worked as a psychotherapist using Ericksonian and systemic approaches and as consultant psychologist and Mental Trainer for the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), FIDAL and FITARCO. She has given lectures, seminars and workshops on Sport Psychology and on advanced self-regulation and hypnotic strategies.
For many years Daniela Ripetti has lived in Pisa because of some serious health problems which have increasingly prevented her from working.  
Several times, in her absence, her poems were read by other actresses and actors (Maria Luisa Bene, Luigi Mezzanotte, Giuliana Adezio, Giovannella De Luca, etc.)
In 2010 at the International Meeting of Poetry (Festival Mediterranea), they were read by Cloris Brosca and Giovannella De Luca.  
Since 2011 she has published some of her video-poetry on her twoYouTube channels: